
Ifyouareencounteringerror1002whentryingtoconnecttoWebRTCaudio,itmightbethatyourfirewalldoesnotsupporthairpinNAT,whichmeanswhenthe ...,1002:CouldnotmakeaWebSocketconnection-TheinitialWebSocketconnectionwasunsuccessful.PossibleCauses:Firewallblockingwsprotocol;Serveris ...,2015年8月12日—Inshort,it'slikelyafirewallissuebetweentheuserandtheBigBlueButtonserver,notanissuewithBigBlueButtonitself.Repo...

Firewall Configuration

If you are encountering error 1002 when trying to connect to WebRTC audio, it might be that your firewall does not support hairpin NAT, which means when the ...

Troubleshooting Guide

1002: Could not make a WebSocket connection - The initial WebSocket connection was unsuccessful. Possible Causes: Firewall blocking ws protocol; Server is ...

WebRTC issue: Error 1002

2015年8月12日 — In short, it's likely a firewall issue between the user and the BigBlueButton server, not an issue with BigBlueButton itself. Reported by ...

WebSocket Connection Error

2021年3月2日 — RAM: 16GB. Additional context bbb-conf --check: `BigBlueButton Server 2.2.33 (2347) Kernel version: 4.4.0-203 ...

Error 1002

Now try it with your server. Does the IP address advertised by the remote SDP (your BigBlueButton server) match the IP address given by a ping test? Regards ...


The 1002 error is caused when the BigBlueButton client (or more specifically your browser) can not make a websocket connection to your BigBlueButton server.

big blue button server behind NAT Error 1002

2020年9月5日 — As i mentioned in the question i installed bbb using, i didn't find any answer for my problem and for the last time i run the ...

What does the BigBlueButton error code mean?

2020年9月18日 — 1002: Could not make a WebSocket connection - The initial WebSocket connection was unsuccessful. What need to check: The firewall may block ...


2023年9月20日 — Therefore, check your internet connection or use a LAN cable. Error 1002: Could not make a WebSocket connection - In this case, a bidirectional ...

File & Image Uploader 8.4.3 免費空間批次上傳

File & Image Uploader 8.4.3 免費空間批次上傳
